许多生物组织,包括角膜、甲型肝炎e viscoelastic qualities. That is, depending on the rate at which a force is delivered, it will react differently. The so-called Newtonian Fluids, which a person can walk over if they move quickly or sink if they travel slowly, are another viscoelastic material that many readers may be familiar with. The non-linear behavior of viscoelastic materials is an important factor to consider. When it comes to the cornea, The stress–strain curve can be broken down into sections to show changes in collagen organization during stress. The viscous reaction of ocular tissue is dominant at low distortion, whereas the elastic response is dominating at big deformation.
尽管不是唯一测量眼内压的方法,但非接触式旋转器被广泛使用。市售方法包括眼反应分析仪(ORA)和角膜可视化Scheimpflug技术(Corvis CT)。由于其成像速度,非连接性质和高图像质量,光学相干弹性造影(OCE)具有很大的临床潜力。